Monday, March 9, 2009

8th grade terms defined, kind of jumbled.

Reconstruction Matching: (10)
John Wilkes Booth: assassinated Abe Lincoln at the Ford TheatreAndrew Johnson: Lincoln’s vice president, took over after he was shot.Thaddeus Stevens: one of the leaders of the Radical Republicans, wanted economic and political justice for African Americans and poor white Southerners.
Hiram Revels: 1870, first African American in the SenateBlanche K. Bruce: Mississippi republican, U.S. Senator, African AmericanHenry W. Grady: Atlanta newspaper editor, wanted to use the South’s resources of cotton and cheap labor
Mark Twain: wrote stories about the South, most famous writer about the South.George Washington Cable: wrote about and African American community in New Orleans, protested racism in the South.Joel Chandler Harris: fictional plantation life, showed the white man taking care of blacksCharles W. Chesnutt: African American author, showed the greed and cruelty of slave holders

Native American Matching: (10)
Black Kettle: didn’t fight, refused to be moved, Sand Creek Massacre Crazy Horse: 1866 Chief, Sioux Chief, ambushed and killed 81 Calvary troopsWilliam Tecumseh Sherman: leader of the U.S. army in the West
George Armstrong Custer: command of the U.S. army 7th Cavalry, lost the Battle of Little Big Horn.Sitting Bull: Sioux leader, protested demands of U.S. government, fled to Canada after the Battle of Little Big Horn.
Wovoka: Paiute Indian, began the Ghost Dance, “The Prophet”
Kit Carson: former scout, led U.S. troops in raids on the Navajo.
Chief Joseph: Nez Perce leader, sent to the reservation in Idaho, chased down and sent to Oklahoma
Geronimo: U.S. was after him for leaving the reservation with a band of raiders.Sarah Winnemucca: one of the first American Indians to call for reforms of the Reservation System

Native American Geography Matching: (5)
Apache: TX OKComanche: TX OKCheyenne : central plainsPawnee: NESioux: Minnesota Montana
Summarize Each Amendment: (6)
13th Amendment: slavery is illegal, Dec 18th 1865

14th Amendment: all people born or naturalized are U.S. citizens, except for Indians, guaranteed equal protection under the law.

15th Amendment: African American men have the right to vote, 1870. Women can’t vote, and African American men can’t hold office.

Term Matching: (10)
Reconstruction: the reunited of the Nation, bringing the South back to the Union without slavery.
impeachment: to vote to bring charges against the president
carpetbaggers: Northerners who moved to the South during reconstructionscalawags: Southern Republicans that “betrayed” the South
redeemers: democrats who promised to gain control of the south.
Segregation: forced separation of whites and blacks in public places
sharecropping: land owners supply land, workers provide labor, new slavery
spirituals: songs based on Christian hymns, based on African music.
Reservations: federal lands set aside for American Indians.
Freedmen's Bureau: provide relief for all poor people in the South.

Date Matching: (5)
Civil Rights Act of 1866
General Amnesty Act of 1872Panic of 1873Civil Rights Act of 1875Compromise of 1877

Native American Matching P2: (5)
Treaty of Fort Laramie: miners and settlers could pass through Northern Plains Nation peacefully.Treaty of Medicine Lodge: most natives move to reservations, 1867.Battle of Little Big Horn: 1876, U.S. defeat at the hands of Sioux, last major victory, “Custer’s Last Stand”Massacre at Wounded Knee: U.S. troops put down a rebellion they believed would take place from the Ghost Dance.Dawes General Allotment Act: American Indians are forced to adopt the white way of living, private ownership of land. Stole 2/3rds of the native’s land.
True / False: CORRECT FALSE (24)10% Plan: to receive amnesty in the South, 10% percent of the population must swear an oath to return to the Union.Wade-Davis Bill: a state had to ban slavery, the majority of adult males had to swear loyalty, Lincoln refused to sign the bill in to law.Johnson's Reconstruction: set up the new Southern government, set up temporary governors, required oaths, new state officials from the South in Congress.Black Codes: laws that limited the freedoms of African AmericansRadical Republicans: wanted the South to change more before joining the Union, specifically in relationship to African Americans.Reconstruction Acts: divided the South in to 5 military districts1868 Election: Henry Seymour ran for the Democrats, Grant ran for the Republicans, Grant won.Ku Klux Klan: society of white opposed to civil rights, used violence to control poll tax: special tax paid in order to voteJim Crow Laws: laws that required segregation, aimed at blacksPlessy v Ferguson: established the separate but equal doctrine.mill diseases: cotton lung, asthma, potential loss of limb.