Tuesday, May 19, 2009

7th Grade 35.1 to 35.3 terms defined

Nehru Dynasty: built a modern secular state, total of 3 Prime Ministers, 1947-
Mohandas Gandhi: father of the nation, satyagraha, killed by Hindu extremists when he was protesting violence against Muslims.
Federal System: powers divided from strong central to small states, 83 provinces, 15 national languages, 35 regional languages.
Rajiv Gandhi: grandson of Jawa, served as Prime Minister of India
Indira Gandhi: daughter of Jawa Nehru, became Prime Minister, handled the Golden Temple uprising, killed by her own Sikh body guards.
Jawa Nehru: 1947-1964 Prime Minister of India, worked to build a modern secular state, dedicated to social justice.
Green Revolution: sought to make agriculture self sufficient,
Mother Theresa: Roman Catholic nun, helped the poor in Calcutta, missionaries of charity.
Harijans: children of god, term used by Gandhi for the untouchables.
Kashmir: Himalayan land, Muslims and Hindu fight over it, almost war.
BJP: Hindu fundamentalist party, called for a government based on Hindu principles, 1990 had the most seats in parliament, 2002 accused of backing attacks against Muslims.
Zulfikar ali Bhutto: civilian president of Pakistan, overthrown, tried and executed by the military.
Benazir Bhutto: daughter of Zulfikar ali Bhutto, served as Prime Minister, and ousted from power both times, was assassinated last year.
General Musharraf: he dismissed the elected government of Pakistan, suspended the
constitution, 9/11 led to a policy change, received American support by aiding U.S. fight.
World Bank/IMF Debt Service: Pakistan can only generate enough funds to pay the growing interest on their loans.
Palestine: Refugees, 1947 Arab State, Arab-Israeli War 1948
Balfour Declaration: created in 1917 by Britain, pledged support for a Jewish Nation State in Palestine.
1948 Israel Proclaimed: British withdrew and Israel declared itself a nation, U.S. and U.S.S.R. recognized the state, Arab states attack.
kibbutzim: collective farms of Israel.
Zionists: Jewish people that wanted to create Israel.
MPDG: was originally authoritative state, created a multiparty democratic government, failed to address the needs of Palestinian minority.
Ataturk: 1920’s campaign to make Turkey a modern secular state, tried to join NATO.
Kurds: minority group in Turkey, forbidden to speak/publish/broadcast, restrictions have lightened and it is now legal to share information in Kurdish.
Cyprus: island in the E. Mediterranean, Turkish and Greek communities are in conflict over it.
Bosporus: key waterway, links Black Sea to the Mediterranean, Turkey controlled, Soviet importance.
Sharia Law: Islamic Reformers have been elected to government positions in the 2000’s, but have agreed to follow the secular constitution.
Nasser: military officer who rose to power in the 1950’s, set out to modernize Egypt and end Western domination.
Suez Canal: 1956 Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal and ended British/French control
Anwar Sadat
-1970: Egypt opened to foreign investment/privatization
-1979: Peace treaty with Israel, first Arab leader to make peace with Israel
-1981: assassination, Islamic Extremists
Mubarrak: took power after Sadat was killed, reaffirmed peace with Israel
Aswan High Dam: Upper Nile, Nasser with Soviet help, huge reservoir, gave acres of farmland, increased salinity, eroded the delta, destroyed fish hatcheries, and flooded old temple grounds.
Islamic Reformers: Egyptian government’s failure is denounced, modeled their change off of Islamic solutions, set up schools, offered social services, extremists turned to terrorists attacks.
Nile Valley: the most important waterway in Egypt for both transportation and agriculture.
Arab-Israeli Wars: Israel is recognized as a nation 1948, Arab nations attack and are defeated. Egypt has peace treaties with Israel, and is the only Arab nation that does.
Persian Shiites
Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi: U.S. placed and supported his power in Iran, gave women rights, pushed for modernization, built infrastructure and redistributed land, was deposed during the Islamic revolution 1979.
Muhammad Mosaddiq: Iran, tried to nationalize oil in order to limit foreign control, United States put the Shah in Mosaddiq’s place in order to control oil. Mosaddiq expelled.
Ayatollah Khomeini: exiled from Iran by the Shah, returned in 1979 and drives the Shah out, sets up a Theocratic Republic, replaced the secular courts, removed women’s rights, violently suppressed opposition, was engaged in a war with Iraq in 1980, died in 1989.
Axis of Evil: U.S. lumped Iran together with North Korea and Iraq, hurting relationship with the West.
Nuclear Tests: 1974 India tests, 1998 Pakistan tests, raises tensions.