Monday, February 2, 2009

6th Grade Terms defined

Tepuis: plateaus with sandstone that prevents erosion, Guiana Highlands

Cordillera: mountain system made up of parallel ranges, Colombia

Llanos: plains region, E. Colombia, W. Venezuela

Andes: mountains with active volcanoes and earthquakes, W. Coast
5 zones:
tierra caliente: hot country, bananas, sugar, rice, 0-3000ft
tierra templada: coffee, corn, wheat, cotton, potatoes 3000-6000ft
tierra fria: potatoes, wheat, oats, barley, rye 6000-10000ft
paramo: potatoes, grasslands, shrubs, and grazing, 10000-16000ft
tierra helada: snow 16000ft+

Chibcha: native Colombians, developed civilization, fine crafts

El Dorado: comes from Chibcha gold and emerald ritual

Quinine: product from S. American bark that fights Malaria

Cassava: tropical plant, starchy root.

Tejo: ring toss came, Colombia

Columbus 1498: C. Columbus on the Venezuelan coast

Simon Bolivar: S. American revolutionary, fought for independence from Spain

Caudillos: strong men, military leaders of Venezuela

Lake Maracaibo: Caribbean bay, Venezuelan drills for oil

Pardos: people of mixed European, African and S. American decent.

Joropo: couples dance with stomping from Venezuela.

Toros Caleados: Venezuelan rodeo game where you pull a Bull’s tail to the ground

Indentured Servants: Asian workers brought over by Europeans to the Americas.

Pidgin languages: secret languages that combine native dialects.

Amazon River: largest river system in the world, 4000 miles long

Gran Chaco: flat and lowlands plains and plateaus

Pampas: wide grassy plain region in central Argentina

Patagonia: desert region of dry plains, and plateaus in S. Argentina

Tierra del Fuego: wind-swept island in the Southern tips of S. America

Mount Aconcagua: highest peak in the Andes

Parana River System

Estuary: partially enclosed body of water mixing salt and fresh water

Soil Exhaustion: loss of nutrients needed by plants.

Overgrazing: too many animals depending on area.

Tapioca: delicious, made from cassava root

Sugar plantations: replaced forests and slaved worked them, Brazil

Cattle ranches: set up by Portuguese, set up new economies in S. America.

Macumba: combination of Christianity, native and African spirituality.

Carnival: pre-lent, Brazil, festivals and parades.

Vatapa: sea food, sauces, red peppers

Feijoda: stew of black beans and meat.

Manaus: major inland city, Amazon river port and industrial city

Belem: large mining district in Brazil

Salvador: poorest city in N. East Brazil.

Favelas: huge slums in Brazil, often surrounding the city

Encomienda: system in which Spanish colonists worked Indians on their land.

Guachos: Argentine cowboys

Parrallida: Argentinean sausage and steak dish.

Mercosur: trade organization that promotes economic cooperation in Argentina

Landlocked: a nation without natural borders to the sea.