Wednesday, October 8, 2008

8th Grade Pocahontas Response

You will write using complete sentences in paragraph form. Articulate your ideas in a manner which will convince me that you are worth breathing my air.

Cite specific historical inaccuracies within the film. Do so by addressing character action, your historical knowledge of early 1600's Virginia, and the war politics and relationship between the British settlement and the native Powhatan. (1-2 Paragraphs)

Analyze the character interaction in the film and derive Disney's agenda in its construction of the film. What motivated the films formation, what lessons remain within the story and how does it attempt to achieve the sublime. (1-2 Paragraphs)

Detail the true historical lessons of Pocahontas, John Smith and Jamestown. What did the film leave out that is most critical to humanity's mistakes in 1600's Colonial Virginia. (1-2 Paragraphs)

These will be collected on Friday, and will be accompanied by extensive group discussions.