Tuesday, September 16, 2008

8th Grade Chapter 4 Exam Grade Breakdown

Grade Breakdown
Average: 90.3
Mode: 100


This is what the exam looked like...
Name: 8th Grade Chapter 4 Exam
Matching People: (10)

1.__ Pocahontas: a. openly discussed religion in public, claimed God spoke to people through other means than the Bible.
2.__ John Smith: b. Governor of Mass. Bay Colony, 1630’s.
3.__ John Rolfe: c. minister, father of American democracy.
4.__ Wahunsonacock: d. governor of the Plymouth colony, helped draft the Mayflower Compact.
5.__ William Bradford: e. Pocahontas’ father, leader of the Wampanoag, died in 1618 in the Americas

6.__ Squanto: f. tobacco success with Jamestown, made the settlement economically viable
7.__ Thomas Hooker: g. wanted to form a secular state, criticized mistreatment of natives, formed Providence
8.__ Anne Hutchinson: h. diplomatic daughter of Wahunsonacock, married John Rolfe
9.__ John Winthrop: i. made Jamestown work to eat, decreasing starvation and exposure deaths.

10.__ Roger Williams: j. knew some English, helped them overcome the poor soil quality in the area.

True / False: (20)
11. T / F Nat Bacon led an army of former interpretive dancers to war, attacking the Co-Op to obtain their organic produce.

12. T / F Jamestown was a French settlement established in 1324, on the corner of Dewy, Cheatum and Howe.

13. T / F The Headright System paid settlers for every Powhatan head or scalp they returned in honor of the crown.

14. T / F The Mayflower Compact was drafted in England and took away all the rights of women.

15. T / F The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut formed a democratic government, voting regardless of church

16. T / F The Great Migration happened 1630's-1640's when tens of thousands of English left for the Americas.

17. T / F Giles Corey’s last words were, “I shot Tupac”.

18. T / F The Massachusetts General Court 1644 was a quadcameral executive body that organized dances.

19. T / F Kansas was the sanctuary of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson.

20. T / F Lord Vlasic found Pickleville with a charter from King Charles as a haven for Catholics.